Promising and creating jobs is the attraction which allows all developments be sold to local people. However there is a finite number of jobs that can be provided in ports in Ireland.
Jobs created in a Bremore port will take from the jobs now in place in Dublin Port. If the port in Bremore proves to be more efficient and less prone to union dominance, as it will, then there is likely to be a reduction in the sum total of jobs available.
In the construction phase there will be work but using the present economic model the employment mix will tend to be 80% unskilled non nationals and about 20% nationals.
To wreck an environmental and heritage asset like Bremore for these job numbers would be a step backwards.
Ireland likes to think short term, thats why we stumble from problem to problem but we must learn to calculate our actions long term, what effect they will have on our land, waters and future populations and not what pockets the development will fill in the short term.
“A fool thinks in minutes but an intelligent man must learn to think in centuries”.
Bertrand Russel. Two times Nobel prize winner.
The burial tombs at Bremore have withstood not just centuries but millenna, they seen us find our feet, suffer, laugh, believe in Cosmic law and then atrophy down to famine and foreign dominance. Are they to watch us destroy them now? Is that what our evolution was for?
The 10 State-owned port companies are in Dublin, Cork, Drogheda, Dundalk, DĂșn Laoghaire, Shannon/Foynes, Galway, New Ross, Waterford and Wicklow.
Going, going...