Take a small country like Ireland, in depth, with a sinking economy, its people been asked to shoulder the burden of what a small poisoned elite created and a bill looming before us to undo this, a bill which dwarfs anything our future can pay for.
A land with eleven ports all of which are at present operating under capacity, many of whom are so starved of cash that they crumbled and fall into the sea and all of them looking to government for a plan of existence.
So what does our government do?
It plans to build a new, super all inclusive and centralised port at Bremore, wrecking as it does this the environment of the entire area, wrecking the recognised burial places of our first ancestors, wrecking the job prospects of the Dublin Port workers and wrecking the hopes that the smaller ports around Ireland had clung to; the hope that one day our government would decentralise shipping and finally put into place smaller specialised ports leading to a safe, ecofriendly and sustainable industry.